Freitag, 6. September 2013

If we saw and honoured the child in everyone, all of us would be so much better.

Because we're all children inside, thrown into a fucked up world.

Things are difficult, but I accept them and it's easier. Still, it's not easy
I still struggle with some people...especially with those getting agitated with me, though I did nothing wrong, at least not intentionally. What really pisses me off is, that recently especially one certain person gets angry with me, because I did this person favours that I, apparently, did not do just the way they wanted them done. Seriously? Do your shit yourself then. I'm done. I haven't heard ONE thankful word on all my work during our move. I'm done with this shit. 

Anyway, it was this morning when I thought how much more friendly, caring and loving this world would be, if everyone accepted that every person they meet is a child inside, even if it's deep deep down and suppressed. Things would be better. 

I'm more satisfied with myself lately, though there's still tons of stuff I'd have to get done and that I don't really do. I'd need vacation. I know, I just went on one, but I can't help it. 
Also, I really do miss my friends that don't live in this town.

Today I will have three girls over who want to look at my room...hopefully I'll be able to rent it out in time for Leipzig. And here I am, thinking: If moving helped me with myself, how much will Leipzig change me? We'll see :)

No exciting pictures either, I don't like my phone's camera and I don't own another camera (yet).

Oh...also I apparently had some very strange kind of asthma attack the other night. You didn't know I had asthma? Neither did I. fact it's not sure if I really have asthma, I saw the doctor yesterday, because the attack happened the night before and I had such severe pains that I almost went to the emergency room. He said it's probably the interaction of several factors that caused the attack...I apparently have a minor infection (nothing bad, just tired and a sore throat) and the immense stress in the last weeks plus the extreme exposure to dust (which I am allergic to) and other things...anyway, I feel a lot better today and carry a inhalor with me now in case I have another attack. Things will be okay I think.

So long. 

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